“Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan; for it is written, Thou shalt worship the LORD thy God, and him only shalt thou serve” (MATTHEW 4:10).

The delusive quality of all human glory is taught throughout the Bible, and with bold emphasis in the New Testament. It has been taught also with great clarity by the saints and faithful brethren since the days of the apostles.


Satan once tried to bring about the downfall of Christ by offering Him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory in them.


In presenting to the Man Jesus the glory of the world he was shrewdly taking advantage of a known weakness in the human race. The trick should have worked, and it would have worked but for one thing: This was no fallen man Satan was attempting to seduce. It was a sinless Man full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whose penetrating glance pierced the world’s attractive exterior.


Beneath its gaudy allurements He saw the corruption and the decay. He knew its glory was but bait to catch foolish victims. He knew its bright promises were all lies. Our Lord saw what other men could not see. He saw not beauty but death, a garish death that must be purchased at the price of the soul. What He saw revolted Him—He would have no part of it!


All this Jesus knew; and Satan for all his wisdom did not know that He knew it. The devil is familiar with the Bible, but still he did not know, or he would not have attempted the impossible, and that to his own confusion and permanent loss of face!


Here is sufficient proof that the devil is wise—but not wise enough!



  1. W. Tozer