“And be renewed in the spirit of your mind:…put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness” (EPHESIANS 4:23, 24)

God is faithful—He is never going to be done with us in shaping us and fashioning us as dear children of God until the day that we will see Him face-to-face!


Truly, in that gracious day, our rejoicing will not be in the personal knowledge that He saved us from hell, but in the joyful knowledge that He was able to renew us, bringing the old self to an end, and creating within us the new man and the new self in which can be reproduced the beauty of the Son of God!


In the light of that provision, I think it is true that no Christian is where he ought to be spiritually until that beauty of the Lord Jesus Christ is being reproduced in daily Christian life.

I admit that there is necessarily a question of degree in this kind of transformation of life and character.


Certainly, there has never been a time in our human existence when we could look into our own being, and say: “Well, thank God, I see it is finished now. The Lord has signed the portrait. I see Jesus in myself!”


Nobody will say that—nobody!


Even though a person has become like Christ, he will not know it, because humility and meekness are also a part of the transformation of true godliness!


  1. W. Tozer