“Whoso is wise, and will observe these things, even they shall understand the lovingkindness of the LORD” (PSALM 107:43)
To think rightly of God, we must conceive of Him as being altogether boundless in His goodness, mercy, love, grace, and in whatever else we may properly attribute to the Deity.
Since God is infinite, whatever He is must be infinite, also; that is, it must be without any actual or conceivable limits. The moment we allow ourselves to think of God as having limits, the one of whom we are thinking is not God but someone or something less than and different from Him.
It is not enough that we acknowledge God’s infinite resources; we must believe also that He is infinitely generous to bestow them!
The first is not too great a strain on our faith. Even the deist will admit that the Most High God, possessor of heaven and earth, must be rich beyond the power of man to conceive. But to believe that God is a giver as well as a possessor takes an advanced faith and presupposes that there has been a divine revelation to that effect which gives validity to our expectations. Which indeed there has been—we call this revelation the Bible!
Believing all this, why are we Christians so poverty-stricken? I think it is because we have not learned that God’s gifts are meted out according to the taker, not according to the giver!
Though almighty and all-wise, God yet cannot pour a great gift into a small receptacle!
- W. Tozer
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